Welcome to
USA Dance Chapter #6072
spirit of citrus dancers
Where dancing Lifts your Spirit
Social Ballroom Dancing right here in Citrus County
You don't have to be
Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers
to enjoy dancing at one of our dances. We play a variety of music - from Foxtrot to Salsa - Swing to Two-Step -
"old standards" to "popular"
Singles and Dancers of all levels welcome
Singles and Dancers of all levels welcome
Our next dance is a "Birthday" dance on March 1st. BE SURE TO CHECK OUT News for more details about this dance and information on other dancing opportunities. If you have any questions, feel free to email us at spiritofcitrus@gmail.com. In the meantime, be safe and we hope to see you on our dance floor soon!
what you need to know
Kellner Auditorium,
Beverly Hills Jewish Center
102 Civic Circle, Beverly Hills, FL 34465
GPS users - use 20 North Osceola St., Beverly Hills
This address is across the street
from the entrance to the parking lot
next to the Auditorium
Every 1st and 3rd Saturday, except,
July, August and September, when we
only dance on the third Saturday.
7:00 - 10:00 pm
Doors open at 6:45
$8.00 USA Dance Members
$12.00 Non-Members
Complimentary Dance Lesson
7:00 - 730 pm
Complimentary, coffee, snacks and iceWater and Sodas available for purchase
Proper attire appreciated.
We do have theme nights where you will be
invited to "dress the part."
Please avoid wearing heavy perfumes
as some dancers are allergic to fragances.
Contact Lenore at 352-228-1688 for more information
Don't be shy! Come on over and give us a try!
we're all about fun
Dancing feet are happy feet!
We're a social dance group - no stuffed shirts here. Our dancers are of all levels of proficiency and welcome the opportunity to share the joys of dancing with our local community and beyond.
Once a month we have special theme nights such as our Annual Lady in Red dance.
From time to time we join together for the
El Paso and even the Electric Slide.
Twice a year we have a Country Dance
The Spirit of Citrus Dancers is a Chapter of the national organization, USA Dance, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and the National Governing Body for DanceSport in the United States and with 174 local chapters, represents both social and competitive dancers through the USA. USA Dance is the United States multi-sports member organization of the US Olympic Committee and the World DanceSport Federation. Learn more at www.usadance.org